How to Create a Site/Location on Desktop - Ur Audit

How To Create a Site/Location On Desktop?

UrAudits allows you two different ways to create your own site/location.

  1. Click on a template.
  2. Tap on the start schedule.
  3. Click on a plus sign.
  4. Click on a plus sign and “Add Region”.
  5. Now click on a drop down menu to select a region.
  6. Click on a “Plus Sign and Add Area”.
  7. Then click on the drop down menu to choose the area.
  8. Enter your Site Location in a blank field.
  9. Then Click on the “Add a Site” button to add a location.


Here are Another Steps of “How to Create a Site”
  1. Click on “team”
  2. Now Click on the “Sites” Button
  3. Then Click on “Add Sites”
  4. Now Click on a plus sign and “Add Region”
  5. Click on a drop down menu to select region
  6. Click on plus sign to “Add Area”
  7. Now click on drop down menu to choose an area
  8. Enter your site/location in a blank field text
  9. Then click on the “Add a Site” button to add a location.
How to Create a Site/Location on Desktop
How to Create a Site/Location on Mobile

Ur Audits allows you to create your own site/Location on your smartphone.

  1. Log in to your UrAudits Mobile App.
  2. Click on More.
  3. Scroll down on the left menu.
  4. Click on “Site”.
  5. Then Click on a plus button to “Add a Region”.
  6. Click on “Title” and enter your region, click on the “Create Region” button and then click on close.
  7. Select a region from a drop down menu.
  8. In a region drop down menu, select your region which you added by searching or by scrolling down.
  9. Click on a plus button to “Add an Area”.
  10. Then Click on “Create Area” and enter a new area in a blank field.
  11. In a region drop down menu, select your Area which you added by searching or by scrolling down.
  12. Enter your site location in a blank field.
  13. Now click on the “Add Site” button to add a location.
How to Create a Site/Location on Desktop

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