Are we GDPR compliant?
Digital privacy is one of the core concerns of UrAudits.Our customer data and security is our ultimate and top-most priority.
UrAudits operate with GDPR to provide strong protection of your data. It is a legitimate framework which offers strict regulations on the sending, receiving and saving of any type of information. Let it be personal or business related, it complies with GDPR guidelines and assists our EU customers to collect and process their data efficiently. We are a one-to-one GDPR solution for simplifying complex challenges in every day data protection issues. Customers and businesses can perform data activities stress-free. GDPR produces and implements the law which is applicable to every organisation in the world, involving processes and sharing data to EU residents.
UrAudits urges its existing and potential customers to comply with GDPR regulations when reporting an incident, collection of personal details or conducting inspections. Our compliance of GDPR standards will secure you from breach of data.
UrAudits empower customers to take responsibility and full-control of protection on the data while doing inspections or reporting incidents. It is a must to be compliant with the GDPR principles, especially when doing a transaction with an EU customer.

UrAudits complies with the following:
- Our terms of use are in compliance with GDPR.
- Our data breach procedures are aligned with GDPR.
- Our international education program provides GDPR-focused training among key areas of the business.
- We constantly engage with our talented product development teams to consider and make essential improvements to enhance our products and practices.
- We carry out a comprehensive data-mapping exercise to track personal data flows among our systems and services.
- We define easy following procedures to handle key data subject rights. (The right to access or delete information)

No Cost Implementation-Stay Safe for Free
Our objectivity is to maximize the protection with prevention. Sign-up to the app with no charges applied throughout. Get in Touch with us to make your choices better.